Saturday, August 29, 2015


Hey Guys!  Look!  Two days in a row of blogging ;) - We'll see what happens when the new wears off.  At any rate today is Supplement Saturday.  It's the day I blog about supplements and why you should take them.

 I thought I would write about supplements because there are a ton of mixed reviews out there.  Some of this is fact, some is opinion.  I’m not a doctor and I’m not a scientist, but I trust an incredible Sci/Med Board with 9 docs and over 300 years of combined experience to create supplements that I trust and use and that over 100 UNPAID endorsers trust and use.  Is there something to be said for organic food and GMO free and paleo and non-processed?  YES!  Absolutely, but that can be overwhelming and exhausting (seriously, I’ve tried it all) and so because I’m a #crazybusymomma I put my trust in these awesome docs who are all required to hold careers outside of Advocare (none of them want a stain on their lab coat is what this means) and that is why I trust this incredible company who is over 20 years strong.

So.  I thought I would start with one of my favorite supplements (the fact is that I have a few favorites).  If you are one of my Advo buddies reading this you are thinking “CATALYSSSSTTTTT!!!!” But no, I’ll save that awesome product for another Supplement Saturday.

Today I want to talk about Omegaplex!  I love this supplement because, for the money, it’s bar none one of the most effective supplements we have for multiple organ systems.  Omegaplex is excellent quality fish oils that include well over the recommended daily requirement of DHA and EPA.  Here’s what our website says about our Omegaplex:

“OmegaPlex is a safe, convenient and easy way to get the omega-3 fatty acids that may be missing in your diet. While other omega-3 supplements may have only EPA or DHA, OmegaPlex has both of these important omega-3s in the right proportions for maximum benefit.* Each serving of OmegaPlex contains a concentrate of 1,000 mg long-chain omega-3 fatty acids (600 mg of EPA and 400 mg of DHA). *OmegaPlex is paramount for core nutrition because of its involvement in the transport of nutrients, the maintenance of healthy skin, and the support of a healthy immune system.* It plays a key role in cardiovascular activity by supporting normal blood flow and healthy blood pressure.* In fact, consumption of omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.* Furthermore, it aids in weight management by supporting healthy metabolism, and providing and storing energy for the body.*”

My mother in law saw her cholesterol drastically decrease by taking a double dose of Omegaplex/day.  I’ve seen psoriasis clear up, dry skin vanish, joint health improve, digestion improve, hair and nail growth.  Seriously, you NEED to be taking a good quality fish oil.  I could do a ton of research for you and tell you what I find, but remember I’m a #crazybusymomma and ain’t nobody got time fo dat....especially when I have a whole sci/med board telling me that there’s not another brand of Fish oils that will do for you what Advocare Omegaplex will do.

Happy Saturday!  Take your fishy oil (and P.S. Advocare Omegaplex does NOT produce fish burps.  for real)

Friday, August 28, 2015

Here I sit....Inspired

Y'all....this is my 3rd blog.  I kind of feel like I suck at blogging (many of you are skipping this blog now, but hear me out).  I've always had a blog that centered around "something".  First, I had a blog about all the hilariousness that involve my kids.  I mean, for real, they are funny!  Then I had a blog where I did a day by day of contest prep for my last figure competition (that's a division of body building).  Then I had a workout blog (so I guess this is my 4th actually) and in every instance I blogged for a few weeks and then....I felt, suddenly, like I didn't have enough to write about.  "Who cares about what my kids say?  I can just throw it in a facebook status and get 20 likes"  "Who cares about my journey to figure competitions?  What if I totally lose and then everyone thinks I'm not someone they want to take advice from?" (I won) "Who cares my views on fitness?  They are pretty much like a million other people out there".

Here are a few things that have happened since my last blog post about a year or more ago:

1) (I think) I'm less selfish.  What if 90% of people looking at my blog scroll through it and get nothing from it, but one person is inspired to change their life?  What if one little thing I say is the catalyst to get someone moving?  Then it's worth it.  It's worth the people rolling their eyes at another picture of me working out, another gymspirational meme, another quick fitness tip.  So selfishness aside, I want to inspire people to be alive and involved, to get healthy, to love themselves and in the process, I'd like to do all of those things myself - there's always room for improvement, right?

2) All my kids are in school 5 days a week so I have a few minutes every day to write something cool....or lame - you be the judge

3) I've decided to blog about EVERYTHING!  That way my 80 year old grandmother can follow me for posts about her awesome great grandchildren, funny stories etc. and the mom pushing that stroller down my block can follow me for some at home mommy workout tips

4) I got inspired.  Yep, my friend Jennifer said to me "I was thinking about your business....." and through some really long text message pep talks and one in person pep talk she INSPIRED me to share my knowledge with everyone via a blog.  Thanks Jennifer!  Now, she thinks (and I like to think) that I'm knowledgeable in the area of health and fitness.  I hold a 4 year B.S. degree in health and wellness and 11 fitness certifications.  I have a gym in my garage and do early morning training sessions for small groups.  I LOVE exercising and finding new ways TO exercise.  I also am a BIG believer in supplements and am involved in what I believe to be the greatest nutrition supplement company on the planet.  Get ready, Ima tell you all about what you should be taking and why!

5) I like to write, but I suck at grammar and punctuation.  Do not read this blog and rip it apart (I guess you can do whatever you want, but for real I know I overuse the comma,,,,,,,, I can't stop)

So guys!  I hope this finds you loving life and eager to read one more blog about EVERYTHING